Climate change, environmental protection, and the history of nuclear decommissioning were some of the aspects discussed by Sogin during an environmental information and awareness day organised yesterday at the Latina nuclear power plant.
40 students from the Liceo Scientifico E. Maiorana in Latina took part in the initiative, which was created as part of the World Environmental Education Day celebrations.The students visited the Pontine site and were welcomed and accompanied by Sogin's technicians and environmental experts.
During the event, the young guests had the opportunity to take a close look at the reactor building and one of the piezometers used to measure and monitor the groundwater level inside the Pontine plant. The last part of the day was dedicated to learning about the operation of the air quality monitoring station, located near the power plant, and to visiting the control room of the Cirene plant, which has never been operated, to learn more about its technological and safety aspects.
There was great interest and participation from the students who asked questions and showed curiosity about the topics covered.
The World Environmental Education Day was announced in 2017 by the World Environmental Education Congress (WEEC) to commemorate the United Nations Intergovernmental Conference that led to the Tbilisi Declaration of 26 October 1977, signed by delegates from 66 member states. Every year, from 14 to 26 October, schools around the world promote initiatives to raise students' awareness of environmental education.