
Garigliano, launched the call for tender for the dismantling of internals

20 April 2022


Sogin published the call for tender to contract the dismantling of internals, namely the activated metal components located inside the vessel of Garigliano (Caserta) nuclear power plant. The contract also supplies special screening cylinder casks to pack, transport, and safely store intermediate-level waste ILW resulting from the operations.

More specifically, the dismantling activities, to be carried out with water heads, involve removing and cutting individual internals that shall be later packed in appropriate casks. The cutting operations on components shall be carried out remotely to ensure maximum safety.

The activities provided in the contract are equal to EUR 12,765,364. The deadline for the submission of bids is on 14 June.

The call, published in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJ), and related documents are available on Sogin's Purchasing portal in the section Current calls and notices. ​