National Seminar, realized the Tuscany session
03 November 2021
It was held today,
live streaming, the session dedicated to the Tuscany Region, the sixth of nine appointments of the National Seminar for the location of the National Repository for radioactive waste. Tuscany is, in fact, involved in the ongoing public consultation procedure with two areas potentially suitable to host the facility, identified in the CNAPI (National Charter of Potentially Suitable Areas).
The works, moderated by Iolanda Romano, an expert in participatory processes and public debate, have seen the participation of experts from various fields who have contributed with insights on various aspects related to the National Deposit and Technology Park: Nadia Cipriani, Head of Radioactive Waste Deposits Section, ISIN (National Inspectorate for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection), Francesca Giacobbo, Professor of Migration of Radioactive Materials at the Department of Energy of the Politecnico di Milano, Nadia Cherubini, President of Nucleco and, for Sogin, Stefania Uras, Head of National Deposit and Technology Park Design, and Lorenzo Manni, Senior Geological Expert.
There was a series of contributions by stakeholders during the session, representing various subjects of the territory, such as authorities, municipalities, universities, and associations.
The session was concluded by Fabio Chiaravalli, Director of the National Repository and Technology Park of Sogin, with analysis and commentary on the feedback received during the public consultation. The following local meetings of the National Seminar, before the closing plenary on 24 November, are on 9 November, with the Lazio Region, and on 15 November, with the Piemonte Region.