
Partecipants in 14th Summer School JRC visit Trino NPP

27 June 2024
Forty participants in the 14th edition of the Summer School on Nuclear Decommissioning and Radioactive Waste Management, promoted and hosted by the Joint Research Center of the European Commission​ in Ispra (Varese, Italy), visited yesterday the Enrico Fermi nuclear power plant in Trino (Vercelli, Italy).

Sogin, the State company in charge of decommissioning and valorization of Italian nuclear plants, made its experts available to lead participants through its Piedmontese plant, now in decommissioning, which represented the first Italian industrial initiative in the nuclear sector, holding for many years the record for operation at maximum power.

Notably, the participants visited: the control room, the turbine building, where the dismantling of the turbine-alternator and condenser units was completed, the main interim storage of radioactive waste on the site and the auxiliary building, where the emptying and recovering activities of the purifier pool have been completed.

Sogin’s staff also illustrated the project for dismantling the vessel, the steel container where the nuclear reaction took place, and its systems and components. This project is expected to enter the operational phase in the next months and represents the most complex activity from an engineering point of view in the nuclear power plant decommissioning.

This visit confirms, once again, the public interest in the decommissioning activities made by Sogin, which represents in Italy the most significant collection of professional skills in the nuclear sector, and attests to the Company's commitment to describe its activities in a participatory and transparent way.

The Summer School on Nuclear Decommissioning and Waste Management is organized by the Joint Research Center (JRC) of the European Commission in partnership with Sogin and IAEA, the International Atomic Energy Agency. The aim of the School, whose lessons are held by technicians coming from the main European companies in this field, is to promote, among graduates in scientific subjects, the knowledge achieved in this sector. ​