
Over 70 people visited Cirene in Latina and Trino

19 October 2023

On 15 October, the Cirene plant in Latina welcomed a group of young students and energy enthusiasts for a visit organised with the Comitato Nucleare e Ragione, an association set up in 2011 that deals with scientific dissemination on energy issues, particularly nuclear energy.

After a quick stop in the control room of the Latina power plant, the 26 visitors were taken inside this prototype nuclear reactor, the Cirene, which has never been put into operation, and learned more about its various technological and safety aspects.

The visit was organised as part of the 5th "Stand-up For Nuclear" edition, an international event created to raise public awareness of nuclear technology in its various civil, energy, medical-diagnostic, food, industrial and scientific research applications.


On 16 and 18 October, the Trino plant opened its doors to a delegation of 47 firefighters from the NBCR (Nucleare Biologico Chimico Radiologico - Nuclear Biological Chemical Radiological) Regional Unit in Turin, who visited the impressive operating room, the pond where the nuclear fuel was stored, and the temporary radioactive waste storage facility, called D1.

With these visits guided by the technicians of the two sites, over 70 people, in the space of a few days, were able to discover the peculiarities of our work and learn about the history of Italian nuclear power, while Sogin had a further opportunity for transparency and dialogue with its stakeholders.