Sogin at the 3rd NEA Joint Workshop (FSC – IGSC) on Radioactive Waste Management
23 May 2022
On May 18th and 19th Sogin met in Bern (Switzerland) with other organisations in the field of radioactive waste management for the 3rd Joint Workshop of the Forum on Stakeholder Confidence (FSC) and the Integrated Group for the Safety Case (IGSC), the two bodies of the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) that deepen stakeholders’ involvement and the analysis of all aspects related to Safety Case respectively.
The Workshop, promoted by NEA with the support of Swiss organisations (SFOE – Swiss Federal Office for Energy, ENSI – Federal Inspectorate for Nuclear Safety and NAGRA – National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste) enabled the participation of numerous experts from the two bodies, members of the organisational structure of the NEA and many stakeholders of the host country, in particular the representatives of local communities concerned in the siting of Swiss Deep Geological Repository for radioactive waste.
The two days made it possible to share lessons learnt on participative decision-making processes for implementing disposal projects of radioactive waste, especially in the perspective of an informed involvement of stakeholders at both national and local level.
Sogin, together with participants from 15 Countries, took part to World Cafes, rounds of discussion and in-depth analysis among different groups of experts and stakeholders, on the safe management of radioactive waste.
With this participation, Sogin’s commitment in sharing best practices and exhanging information with other Member Countries about stakeholder engagement is confirmed.
Link to OECD/NEA website