
Sogin Group at the 2023 European Researchers' Night

27 September 2023

On Friday 29 and Saturday 30 September, the Sogin Group took part in the 2023 European Researchers' Night organised as part of the NET - scieNcE Together project at the Città dell'Altra Economia in Rome, in the Testaccio district.

During the two evenings, from 6:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., Sogin and Nucleco welcomed people of all ages and got them involved in the world of radioactive waste management and the dismantling of nuclear plants through various activities:

Admission is free and booking is recommended via the Eventbrite platform.

The European Researchers' Night is an initiative promoted by the European Commission to spread scientific culture that, since 2005, has been held in more than 400 cities in the European Union, involving researchers as well as organisations, universities and associations engaged in sharing scientific knowledge. Sogin is taking part in the initiative as part of the NET - scieNcE Together project, which includes 13 of the most important public research organisations and universities in Italy and many research and cultural organisations in the area, including the Sogin Group, to work together on the issues of dissemination, training and technical-scientific information.

The aim of the 2023 edition is to introduce the main themes of contemporary scientific research, highlighting their impact on everyday life and emphasising how the global challenges of the present and future require an increasingly multidisciplinary view.