Sogin took part in the sixth edition of iWeek
29 November 2024
Sogin took part in the sixth edition of iWeek (Intelligence Week), entitled "From training to industry. The relaunch of nuclear power in Italy", held on 26 November in Rome at the Banca Finnat headquarters in Palazzo Altieri.
This event provided a significant opportunity for institutions, entities and companies to discuss the best way forward for Italian nuclear power, including a presentation of the results of the survey on "Nuclear energy: training challenges and opportunities servicing the public and industry”.
Promoted by iWeek, a joint venture between V&A – Vento & Associati and Dune Tech Companies, the day started with greetings from the Minister for the Environment and Energy Security, Gilberto Pichetto Fratin and the Minister for Enterprise and Made in Italy, Adolfo Urso.
Including presentations and round tables, the event was attended by the Chairman Carlo Massagli and CEO Gian Luca Artizzu, together with other leading Italians from the scientific, business and economic sectors.
More specifically, Chairman Massagli was involved in the round table "Young people and the atom: enhancing talent for a sustainable future", moderated by Fausta Chiesa, a journalist with Corriere della Sera.
“Sogin, as a State-owned Company responsible for managing Italy’s nuclear facilities, has over the twenty-five years of its existence, maintained and developed professional skills in the nuclear field that Italy had acquired whilst operating power plants and fuel cycle facilities”, said Massagli. The Chairman then highlighted the activity carried out by Sogin’s training centre, the Radwaste Management School, which represents a "skills incubator and amplifier", thanks also to its collaboration with national and international entities and universities. Finally, he highlighted the strong bond between training and innovation, introducing tools such as virtual and augmented reality into the School's training programmes.
Introduced by Roberta Amoruso, a journalist with Messaggero, the CEO, Gian Luca Artizzu, spoke on the subject of increasing the value of nuclear sites.
Starting from their characteristics as shown from the results of an in-depth siting process, Artizzu stressed that current nuclear sites must be considered "islands of opportunity", capable of integrating with modern infrastructure and promoting innovation to meet the growing trend in electricity consumption. From a technical perspective, “dismantling does not prevent new construction" and, therefore, the CEO argued that, in compliance with safety criteria, it is possible to imagine installing renewable energy facilities in the minimum safety areas and to "create an industrial ecosystem" that includes and responds to the needs of data centres, artificial intelligence, cryptocurrencies and IoT in production processes.
In a context where Italy is facing energy and industrial challenges, Artizzu added that "we must decide whether we want to remain among the industrialized countries, or whether we can risk becoming industrially irrelevant. Innovation and the integration of nuclear within our energy strategy are essential if Italy wishes to remain a part of the G7".
The proceedings, introduced by Andrea Vento, CEO of iWeek and V&A - Vento e Associati, and by Arturo Nattino, CEO of Banca Finnat Euramerica, were closed by Emanuele Marcianò, Chairman of iWeek and CEO of Dune Tech.
For further information on the event, please visit the
iWeek website.