
Sogin, the dismantlement of the off-gas building has been started

05 February 2013
Decommissioning began this morning of the off-gas building of the Caorso nuclear power plant, a concrete structure of 23 metres long, 16.2 metres wide and 23 metres high.

Demolition of the building, which in the course of its operation housed the system of waste gas treatment produced by thermal cycling prior to its release into the environment, will produce about 8,000 tons of material, of which 7,250 of concrete and 750 metal parts.

This activity, which will end in September 2013, was preceded by the dismantling and decontamination of the systems and internal components, and the demolition of the chimney that towered over the building, a tubular steel structure, of 52 m high, with a diameter ranging from about 5 metres at the base to about 2 metres at the top and with a weight of 55 tons.