Radioactive waste management

The B106 Temporary Repository of Bosco Marengo plant safely houses the radioactive waste from the previous plant and dismantling operations.

The radioactive waste stored in the site as of 31.12.2023, and classified according to the Inter-Ministerial Decree of 7 August 2015, amounts to 596 cubic metres (cm). All this radioactive waste is in solid form, as the minimum quantity of liquid waste was subject to solidification and treatment in 2021.

Quantity (in cubic metres) of radioactive waste divided by kind, stored in the Bosco Marengo plant as of 31.12.2023

Quantitativo (in metri cubi) dei rifiuti radioattivi, suddivisi per tipologia, presenti nell’impianto di Bosco Marengo al 31.12.2017

Short-lived radioactive waste Very low-level waste Low-level waste Intermediate-level waste
High-level waste

0 223 372 1 0
Total 596
​​As for the safe storage of solid waste, the BLD11 premise was arranged to act as a temporary 'buffer' pending the operation of the B106 Temporary Repository having the following features.

B106 Temporary Repository:
  • Storage area volume: 4,420 cubic metres
  • Max. storage capacity: 525 cubic metres (equal to 1,376 overpacks with a capacity of 380-litres)
  • Area: 568 square metres
After the gradual conferment to the National Repository, all temporary repositories shall be made releasable. A site can become a 'green field' when it has been demolished and cleared from radiological restrictions and thus be returned to the community for new use.