Radioactive waste management

Radioactive waste resulting from the previous activity of the plant, and those resulting from decommissioning activities, are stored in the interim storage facilities in the site.

Upon completion of the gradual transfer of the waste to National Repository, all the interim facilities will be dismantled.

According to the Ministerial Decree of 7 August 2015, at the end of 2023, the amount of radioactive waste in Garigliano site is equal to 2,596 cubic metres.

The amount can vary based on the year, the continuation of safe maintenance and decommissioning activities and the conditioning techniques for previous waste.


Amount (in cubic metres) of radioactive waste, divided by type, located in Garigliano NPP on 31/12/2023


Short-lived substances Very Low-Level Waste Low Level Waste Intermediate Level Waste High Level Waste

0 1,330 1,181 85 0

In Garigliano Plant there are two interim storage facilities for the radioactive waste.

In particular, between 2007 and 2013, the building that previously housed the emergency diesel generator was restored and adapted in an interim storage facility; moreover, a new interim facility, called D1, was built for the safe management of previous radioactive waste and those resulting from the safe maintenance and decommissioning activities of the plant.

In 2013, after the completion of the authorisation procedures on behalf of Ispra, conditioned radioactive waste and super-compacted asbestos drums were transferred from the turbine building to the two interim facilities. 

New interim storage facility D1

  • Volume of the storage area: 10.000 cubic metres
  • Maximum storage capacity: 1.100 cubic metres
  • Amount of stored waste: 415 cubic metres
  • Surface: 1.320 square metres
  • Type of stored waste: Very Low-Level / Low Level waste
Ex-diesel interim storage facility
  • Volume of the storage area: 5.000 cubic metres
  • Maximum storage capacity: 960 cubic metres per repository
  • Amount of stored waste: 470 cubic metres
  • Surface: 649 square metres
  • Type of stored waste: Low Level / Intermediate level waste

The temporary storage facility for radioactive waste known as D2 is under construction.

At the end of the gradual transfer of waste to the National Repository, At this stage the area, once the absence of radiological constraints has been verified, has achieved the "green field" status, allowing the site to be returned to the community for reuse. ​