Radioactive waste management

​​In the latina plant, radioactive waste produced by previous operation of the plant and that deriving from dismantling operations are stored safely in interim storages. 

The volume of radioactive waste present on the Latina site at 31.12.2023, classified according to the provisions of the interministerial decree of 7 August 2015, is 2,302 cubic meters (cubic meters).

The volume may vary from year to year with the progress of safe maintenance and decommissioning activities and according to the methods of conditioning of previous waste.

Amount (in cubic metres) of radioactive waste, divided by type, located in Latina NPP on 31/12/2023


Short-lived substances Very Low-Level Waste Low Level Waste Intermediate Level Waste High Level Waste

0 1,508 319 475 0

Right now, the temporary storage areas of Latina plant host the conditioned waste and the waste which will be later treated and conditioned, as in the case of radioactive sludges. The new interim storage facility for radioactive waste, named D1, was authorised in February 2015. 

Its characteristics and the quantity of radioactive waste stored at 31.12.2019 are shown below.


    D1 interim storage facility:

  • Volume of the storage area: 20.000 cubic metres
  • Maximum storage capacity: 1.500 cubic metres
  • s
  • S
  • ur
  • fa
  • ce: 2.000 sq metres

An additional interim storage for radioactive waste used during the previous operation of the plant is available at the site. The main characteristics and the quantity of radioactive waste stored as at 31.12.2019 are shown below.

Interim storage facility:

  • Volume of the storage area: 8.500 cubic metres
  • Maximum storage capacity: 650 cubic metres
  • A
  • mou
  • nt of stored waste: 567 cubic met
  • res
  • Sur
  • face: 1.000 square metres

