The Legislative Decree no. 31/2010 describes the process of the localisation of the National Repository and Technology Park.
The process was launched on the 4th of June 2014, the date on which ISPRA (Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research) published the Technical Guide no. 29 “Criteria for the location of a plant for the superficial disposal of low and medium activity radioactive waste” on its own website.
On the 2nd of January 2015, Sogin presented to ISPRA the proposal for the National Charter of Potentially Eligible Areas (CNAPI) to host the National Repository and Technology Park, complying with the deadlines set by Legislative Decree no. 31/2010, which is within 7 months of publication of the Technical Guide no. 29.
“Potentially suitable areas” means areas that have characteristics favorable to the identification of the suitable site for the location of the National Deposit, which will then be the subject of detailed surveys for the qualification. In developing the CNAPI, Sogin applied the localization criteria established by ISPRA with the Technical Guide no. 29 and indicated by the IAEA with the Safety Guide no. 29.
After careful verification, which involved several requests for integration, ISIN has validated the CNAPI and transmitted it to the Ministry of Economic Development (MiSE and the Ministry of the Environment and Marine Protection (MATTM).
As per the regulatory framework, MiSE and MATTM have requested further technical details from Sogin and ISPRA (now ISIN) regarding the CNAPI proposal to ensure all necessary elements are in place for granting approval for the publication of the map
After obtaining the
clearance from the competent Ministries,
Sogin has published the
CNAPI (National Map of Suitable Areas) along with the preliminary project of the repository and the related documentation required by Legislative Decree No. 31/2010 on the website This publication marked the beginning of a
180-days public consultation phase, which concluded on
July 5, 2021. During this period, stakeholders with vested interests submitted observations and technical proposals to
Sogin, which have been available on the website since
July 16, 2021. Within the public consultation phase, the
National Seminar was held. The seminar spanned
nine sessions, from
September 7, 2021, to
November 24, 2021, and concluded with the publication of the
Final Proceedings on
December 15, 2021.
Following this publication, the subsequent 30-day phase commenced, as stipulated by Legislative Decree No. 31/2010 and its subsequent amendments. During this phase, stakeholders with vested interests had the opportunity to submit additional observations to both Sogin and the Ministry of the Environment. The public consultation procedure adhered to the principles and provisions outlined in Law No. 241 of August 7, 1990, as well as Directive No. 2/2017 issued by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers - Ministry for Simplification and Public Administration, which provides guidelines for public consultations in Italy.
The outcomes of the public consultation, including the National Seminar, were instrumental in the subsequent phase of the localization procedure: the preparation of the CNAI (National Map of Suitable Areas).
On March 15, 2022, Sogin transmitted the CNAI to the Ministry of the Environment, in accordance with the deadlines specified in Article 27, paragraph 5, of Legislative Decree No. 31/2010, i.e., within 60 days from the closure of the public consultation.
After obtaining the technical advice from the supervisory body, the National Inspectorate for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection (ISIN), on December 13, 2023, the MASE published the list of areas included in the proposal for the National Map of Suitable Areas (CNAI) on its website.
Following this publication and in accordance with Legislative Decree No. 31/2010 and the amendments introduced by Decree Law No. 181/2023 (known as the “Energy Decree”), within the next 30 days, local authorities already present in the CNAI and those throughout the Italian territory interested in hosting the DNPT (National Deep Geological Repository), as well as the Ministry of Defense for relevant military sites, may submit their self-candidacy to the MASE and Sogin.
In cases where the territory does not fall within the suitable areas, the self-candidacy must be accompanied by a request for reevaluation to verify its relative suitability. All self-candidacies are non-binding and allow for continued participation in the siting process.
Subsequently, the MASE sends the list of self-candidacies to Sogin, which, within the next 30 days, proceeds with the necessary technical evaluations. These verifications involve a reassessment of the areas based on the most recent territorial data, applying the Technical Guide No. 29 from ISIN, as well as considering new project developments. The results are transmitted to ISIN, which, within 30 days, expresses its insights and sends it to both the MASE and Sogin.
Sogin, within 30 days of receiving ISIN’s advice, prepares the proposal for the National Map of Self-Candidate Areas (CNAA), simultaneously proposing the relative suitability order based on technical and socio-environmental characteristics.
The CNAA is then sent to the MASE, which, in the subsequent 30 days, initiates the Strategic Environmental Assessment (VAS) procedure for the CNAA proposal, or in the case of no self-candidacies to host the DNPT, for the CNAI proposal.
At the end of the Strategic Environmental Assessment (VAS) procedure and within 30 days, Sogin updates the proposal for the National Map of Suitable Areas (CNAI) / National Map of Self-Candidate Areas (CNAA) along with the corresponding suitability order. This updated proposal is sent back to the MASE, which incorporates the advice provided by ISIN during the 30-days period.
Subsequently, through its own decree and in conjunction with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, the MASE approves either the CNAA or the CNAI along with the relevant suitability order. These decisions are published on the websites of both Ministries, ISIN and Sogin.
The publication of the CNAI/CNAA initiates a consultation phase aimed at gathering non-binding expressions of interest from the Regions and local authorities whose territories fall within the suitable areas. The goal is to arrive at a shared decision regarding the site for the National Repository.