Model of organization, management and control and code of ethics

​​​​​​​​Sogin is provided with an Organization, Management and Control Model to prevent and counter the commission of the offenses prerequisite for administrative responsibility (pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 231/2001) and corruption and mismanagement as per Law no. 190/2012. An integral part of the Model is the Code of Ethics. 

The two documents are guidelines for the Board of Directors. The task of supervising the operation, effectiveness and observance of the Organization, Management and Control Model (OMCM) of Sogin, as well as its updating, is entrusted to an independent body with independent powers of initiative and control: the Supervisory Body​

The General Part of the OMCM and the Code of Ethics establish the principles and rules that Sogin identifies as a prerequisite for developing and maintaining relations of an institutional, contractual or extra-contractual nature with the Company. In particular, the General Section defines the principles and instruments for the implementation of the OMCM that the Company adopts to prevent and counter crimes - a prerequisite for administrative responsibility pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 231/2001 - and the corruption phenomena pursuant to Law no. 190/2012, as well as to guarantee the correct management of the Company.

The Code of Ethics, on the other hand, is the charter of principles to guide and regulate the organizational and individual behaviors to which all those who share the mission or who have a legitimate interest in its pursuit must abide. 

All parties interested in submitting proposals to modify and/or supplement the rules established by the Code of Ethics can provide their suggestions to:

The Sogin Supervisory Board
c/o Sogin S.p.A. 
Via Marsala, 51/C 
00185 Rome

In addition, anyone who becomes aware of any anomalies and / or behaviors assumed in violation of the provisions of the Organization, Management and Control Model and of the Code of Ethics is required to report them to the Supervisory Body, in one of the following ways:

- registered at the address:
The Sogin Supervisory Board
c/o Sogin S.p.A. 
Via Marsala, 51/C 
00185 Rome

- certified electronic mail, at the address:

- web application available > link.

circumstantiating, in various ways, facts and situations in an adequate manner.