
Sogin among the 8 italian companies accredited for verification of its work projects of to be contracted

13 June 2018
Sogin has been accredited as a Type B Inspection Body for the verification of works projects to be contracted, without amount limits, in the context of nuclear decommissioning activities.

The Company thus becomes one of the only eight Italian companies so far recognised as having the technical and organisational capability to adopt a specific autonomous, separate and identifiable internal structure delegated to carry out such inspection activity.

The accreditation, according to the UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17020 standard, was conferred by ACCREDIA, the single national accreditation body, at the end of a structured process during which the organisational structure and the effectiveness of the management system of the Inspection Body, as well as the suitability of the professional skills and the methods of use of the corporate verification tools, were analysed and assessed.

“This is a prestigious recognition - said the Chief Executive Officer of Sogin, Luca Desiata - of our professionalism, obtained by only a few other examples of Italian engineering excellence. It will allow us to further improve the quality of design, thanks to our technical and organisational capability, aimed at the implementation of strategic works to conclude the nuclear decommissioning”.