Eurex plant: tender launched to complete the Cemex complex
14 July 2020
The call for tenders for the completion of the Cemex complex at the Eurex plant of Saluggia (Vercelli) was published today on the website within the Procurement portal, with a notice in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJ). The Cemex complex will allow the solidification of liquid radioactive waste and the safe storage of manufactured products, suitable for transfer to the National Repository.
In particular, the activities specified in the tender concern the construction of the process building, where liquid radioactive waste will be cemented, and the installation in the annexed interim storage D3 of the equipment and auxiliary systems for the control and movement of medium-activity conditioned products.
The process building will be located next to the New Tank Farm, from which the pipelines for the transfer of the radioactive liquids to be treated will start. Conditioned products resulting from the cementation of liquid waste will be stored in the nearby interim storage D3, whose civil works were completed in March 2020.
The overall starting price value of the planned activities, to be carried out by 2023, is 128.5 million euros. Afterwards, the tests of the plant will be performed for its entry into operation.
The project’s complexity is due to the particular system layout which, given the level of radioactivity of the liquids to be treated, ensures the complete remote control of the operations in order to guarantee maximum safety for workers, population and the environment.
- Eurex plant: tender launched to complete the Cemex complex