
Sogin takes part to the international workshop on nuclear safety and security

11 October 2017
Sogin took part on Wednesday, 11th October, to the International Workshop on Sustaining Capacity-Building for Nuclear Safety and Security that was held today in Rome, at the Foreign Office’s International Conference Room.
The meeting was organized by the "Nuclear Safety and Security Group" (NSSG), a G7 technical support Group in which Sogin fulfills the role of Vice-President.

The workshop was scheduled on the occasion of the term of office, when Sogin passed the baton to Canada.

The event was supported by the European Commission, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA) and the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA).
The workshop was attended by schools, universities and members of the Regulatory bodies from about 25 countries as well as by the main international organizations in the field. The purpose of the workshop was the identification of key elements and actions aimed at developing and strengthening the capability, of each State, of a safe and sustainable use of nuclear technology, mainly connected to safety and security issues.
During the workshop the President of Sogin, Prof. Marco Ricotti, chaired a session focused on issues connected to knowledge and HR retention, essential for the decommissioning phase and for ensuring the safe radioactive waste and spent fuel management in the long term.
International workshop on nuclear safety and security