Sogin is the action developer of the European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR), the European campaign, recognized by the Ministry of the Environment and the Protection of the Territory and the Sea (MATTM), aimed at promoting awareness-raising actions on waste reduction.
In Italy it is organized by a National Promoting Committee formed by MATTM, CNI Unesco, Utilitalia, Anci, Metropolitan Cities of Turin and Rome, Legambiente and AICA.
On the occasion of the 10th edition of the EWWR, on the 20th of November 2018 Sogin opened the doors of the Garigliano plant to host the event entitled “Circular economy for nuclear decommissioning”.
The objective was to tell how the decommissioning of nuclear plants is designed and implemented also to allow the recovery and recycling of the materials produced.
The initiative was attended by local institutions, journalists, national and local, and representatives of the main local environmental associations.
Garigliano plant -
Removal of the rotor material and the alternator for its recycling
In the same context, on the 5th of December 2018, Sogin participated, as an action developer, at the event celebrating the ten years of EWWR.
During the event, which was attended by the Environment Ministers of the last 10 years, including the current one, Sogin presented its circular economy project, highlighting its strengths and areas for improvement.
The Sogin Group confirms its adhesion to the European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR) also in 2019, opening the doors of the Casaccia site to a group of students from the Department of Astronautical, Electrical and Energy Engineering of La Sapienza in Rome.
Along with our technicians, future engineers retraced the chain of "radioactive waste" produced by the dismantling of the obsolete Glove Boxes present in the Plutonium Plant (IPU).
During the day, in a tour inside IPU and Nucleco structures, the complexities related to the dismantling of the SaGs, contaminated with plutonium, and the methods and techniques of radioactive material management, from characterization to treatment up to temporary storage on site. And this, by highlighting that the design and the implementation of
these activities enables to reduce the quantity of radioactive waste to
dispose of.