Sogin is involved in the development of an international network linked to nuclear decommissioning and the management of radioactive waste in both institutional and technical fields.
Due to its public nature and as the main hub of Italian expertise in the field of decommissioning and radioactive waste management, the Company dialogues with world experts in the sector, participating in the most important international forums and in numerous working groups and initiatives within the main international organizations in the sector. This comparison contributes to the continuous improvement of company performance through the adoption of the most recent management, scientific and technological trends.
Sogin also assists the Italian Government, its bodies and other national institutions active in the nuclear field, either personally or as a support, providing its expertise at international institutional tables.
The international presence develops mainly within or through interaction with three international organizations.
- European Union, with an ongoing relationship with the main bodies with competence in the nuclear field, in particular the General Directorate for Energy (DGENER), the Joint Research Center and the EURATOM European Supply Agency.
- Agency for Nuclear Energy (NEA) of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), dedicated to the development and maintenance of the technical and scientific knowledge necessary for the safe and sustainable use of nuclear energy
- International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) of the United Nations, dedicated to the development of the use of atomic energy, in all its applications and in all aspects, for peaceful purposes
In its institutional capacity, Sogin collaborates, in particular, with the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and the Italian Representations at the International Organizations in Vienna and Paris. It participates annually, within the government delegations, in the General Conference of the IAEA and collaborates with the Italian National Nuclear Security Inspectorate (ISIN) in the preparation of the periodic report foreseen by the Joint Convention on Radioactive Waste and Spent fuel Safety, as well as the related conferences of revision.
Sogin participates, as an observer and on the appointment of the Italian Representative at the OECD, to the Steering Committee of the Nuclear Energy Agency and has been called, during the periods of the Italian presidency of the G7 (2010, 2017), to take part in the work of the Italian delegation within the G7 “Nuclear Safety and Security Group” (NSSG), also holding the vice-presidency (2017).
As an operator, Sogin's international activities are developed in five main areas: decommissioning; waste management; radiation protection; technical regulations and nuclear safety standards; communication. In each, Sogin's experts participate in initiatives that can give a broad spectrum of technical-scientific activities or participate in work groups aimed at solving specific technical problems.