Number of employees (2023)

Amount of radioactive waste (2023)

Start of decommissioning

Brownfield date - phase 1

Value of dismantling activities - phase 1


Smantellamento turbina e realizzazione Stazione Gestione Materiali

Dismantling of the turbine and implementation of a Materials Management Facility

During the plant operating period, in the turbine building were located the turboalternator complex and the components of the thermal cycle (capacitor, preheater, etc.) for the production of electric energy.

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Smantellamento Torri RHR

Decommissioning of Residual Heat Removal System

The Residual Heat Removal System served as a “heat sink” for the removal of residual heat in the reactor core when the activity was halted for maintenance works or re-fuelling.

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Smantellamento edificio Off-Gas

Demolition of the off-gas building

The Residual Heat Removal System served as a “heat sink” for the removal of residual heat in the reactor core when the activity was halted for maintenance works or re-fuelling.

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Bonifica da amianto dei diesel d’emergenza

Asbestos reclamation in Emergency Diesel Generators

Emergency Diesel Generators are devices created to supply the nuclear power plant of electric power in case of interruptions in the general power supply;

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Decontaminazione del circuito primario

Primary Circuit Decontamination

The primary circuit of the reactor building is the recirculation and depuration system of the cooling water.

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Realizzazione Waste Route

Waste Route Implementation

The “Waste Route” is a structure connecting the turbine building, the reactor building and the auxiliary building, which is now under development.

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Adeguamento edificio turbina a buffer temporaneo e Stazione Trattamento Rifiuti (STR)

Upgrading of temporary buffer turbine building and Waste Treatment Station (STR)

The project envisaged the construction of four temporary storage areas for radioactive waste ("buffer areas"), to allow for emptying any existing temporary storage facilities to bring them up to the latest safety standards

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Adeguamento depositi temporanei

Upgrading of temporary storage facilities

The project requires the upgrading of the current three temporary storage facilities for radioactive waste present at the Caorso plant, to bring them up to the new safety standards ....

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Trattamento resine e famghi

Resins and sludges treatment

The project involved the preparation, transport, treatment and conditioning at the Bohunice (Slovakia) plant of approximately 5,900 220-litre drums containing resins and radioactive sludge produced during the plant's operation. .....

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Smantellamento edificio reattore

Dismantling the reactor building

Most of the radioactivity in the nuclear power plant's systems and components is concentrated in the reactor building. The latter, in fact, made it possible to produce energy from nuclear sources during operation....

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Smantellamento edificio ausiliari

Dismantling of auxiliary buildings

The auxiliary building is one of the main complexes of Caorso nuclear power plant, and it consists of reactor buildings and turbine buildings.

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All the irradiated fuel was removed for being later reprocessed. Radioactive waste is safely managed and stored in temporary repositories on the site, while conventional materials, mostly metals and concrete, are reused or recycled.

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To ensure environmental sustainability, all interventions are designed, implemented and monitored so as not to produce any impact, neither radiological nor conventional, on the environment.

Read more Caorso Monitoring Network Portal



History of the nuclear power plant

The Caorso nuclear power plant, the largest in Italy, with a capacity of 860 MW, was designed and built in the early seventies by the Enel – Ansaldo Meccanica Nucleare – GETSCO pool of companies. 

The plant, of the BWR (Boiling Water Reactor) type, belongs to the second generation of nuclear plants. Connection to the national grid took place in May 1978 and it went into service in December 1981. In October 1986, the plant was stopped for periodic fuel charging and was never restarted, also as a result of the outcome of the 1987 referendum on nuclear power.

In 1990 it was decided to finally stop the commercial operation of the plant. Since then, safety of the facilities and systems to protect the population and the environment has been guaranteed. The plant, during its albeit short period of operation, produced approx. 29 billion kWh. In 1999, Sogin became the owner of the plant with the objective of decommissioning it.

The preliminary decommissioning activities were launched upon issue of the Ministerial Decree of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Handicraft (now Ministry for Economic Development) of 2000, which authorised the accelerate strategy for the nuclear power plant decommissioning. 

In 2008, the power plant obtained the Environmental Compatibility Decree (EIA) for decommissioning. In 2014, the Ministry for Economic Development issued a decree for the decommissioning of the nuclear power plant which enables the completion of the decommissioning operations through the design and authorisation of single projects.
