To ensure environmental sustainability, all interventions are designed, implemented and monitored so as to produce no impact, either radiological or conventional, on the environment. Sogin manages an articulated environmental surveillance network and monitors, with continuous and scheduled checks, the quality of air, soil, groundwater and Po river water, river fish, beef and pork, as well as the main agri-food products in the area: lettuce, tomatoes, corn, eggs, milk and fodder. The environmental surveillance network was established, as with other nuclear sites, when the plant was commissioned. Every year, Sogin systematically carries out hundreds of measurements on the food and environmental matrices making up the environmental surveillance network. Arpae Emilia-Romagna carries out similar monitoring and surveillance activities with its own network. Analysis results and
discharge formulas have always confirmed a radiologically insignificant environmental impact. Monitoring results are sent to the Italian National Inspectorate for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection (ISIN) and made public, including through our
sustainability report.
The decommissioning of the Caorso power plant is subject to the requirements of the Italian Decree of Environmental Compatibility (MATTM Decree No. 1264 of 31/10/2008), which requires the constant monitoring of the environmental compatibility during all activities, as well as the issuance of annual reports to verify the environmental status of the components considered in the environmental impact study, in relation to the progress of activities.
Tutte le informazioni sullo stato di avanzamento dei lavori e sui dati dei monitoraggi ambientali sono disponibili sul
RE.MO. portal
The Caorso power plant is part of the ALMERA (Analytical Laboratories Measuring Environmental Radioactivity) network coordinated by the IAEA, within which the Site participates in international inter-comparisons on laboratory measurements of environmental matrices, in order to test the laboratory's response under both normal and emergency conditions.