Radioactive Waste Management


​Radioactive waste resulting both from previous plant operations, and from decommissioning activities, is stored in the interim storage facilities of the site. Upon completion of the gradual transfer of the waste to National Repository, all interim facilities will be demolished.

At the end of 2023, the volume of (solid and liquid) radioactive waste, classified according to the Decree of 7 August 2015, in Saluggia amounts to 2,810 cubic metres. The volume may vary based on the year, the continuation of safe maintenance and decommissioning activities and the conditioning techniques for previous waste.

Amount (in cubic metres) of radioactive waste, divided by type, located in Saluggia plant on 31/12/2022

Short-lived substances Very Low-Level Waste Low Level Waste Intermediate Level Waste High Level Waste

0 1,523
494 793
Approx 90% of waste at site is in solid form, the remaining part is liquid. The main features of each interim storage facility in Saluggia plant, whether it is planned or already existing, are listed below. Please note that the volume of the storage area does not correspond to the maximum storage capacity, which must be intended as the sum of the volumes taken by the tank containing the radioactive waste. The maximum storage capacity of an interim storage facility may vary in time according to several factors, such as: storage strategies and techniques; type of storage tanks used; handling and monitoring requirements based on the kind of waste (inspections, stacking, recovery, etc.). 

Interim storage facility 2300

The Interim storage facility 2300, built during the Seventies, houses approx. 1,400 cubic metres of radioactive solid waste. It has a volume of 6,500 cubic metres and the proportion between facility volume and radioactive waste volume is equal to 4.6 cubic metres. Additional 1,200 cubic metres are stored in other pre-existing areas of the site. The facility 2300, entirely filled with radioactive waste resulted from reprocessing campaigns held in the 70s and 80s and subsequent decommissioning activities, still requires an adaptation to new safety standards.

Interim storage facility D2 

The New Interim storage facility D2, licensed for operation from March 2019, is a structure intended for the temporary storage of the waste currently stored in facility 2300 and in other buffer areas of the site.

  • Volume of the storage area: 25.000 cubic metres
  • Maximum storage capacity: 2.500 cubic metres
  • Surface: 2.100 square metres
  • Type of stored waste: Low Level / Intermediate Level waste

Interim storage facility D3

The site currently houses approx. 270 cubic metres of radioactive liquid waste, mainly resulted from the reprocessing campaigns on irradiated fuel elements held in the 70s and 80s. Among this liquid waste, the elements (125 cubic metres) have been stored in the New Tank Farm since 2009. This waste is packed in stainless-steel tanks supplied with adequate tools to monitor and detect possible losses. The remaining part of liquid waste is safely stored in a specific area of the plant. The CEMEX facility will be implemented to carry out the solidification of liquid waste; this remote operation facility will enable the cementation and conditioning of any liquid waste in final containers. 

Interim storage facility D3 will be directly connected to the cementation facility and it will be supplied with all necessary devices for the storage of CEMEX products. 

The facility is a 17.4 x 35.7-metres rectangular structure made of thick reinforced concrete, with a height of 13 metres above ground. It will store approx. 600 cubic metres of cemented products ready to be shipped to the National Repository.

  • Volume of the storage area: 9,000 cubic metres
  • Maximum storage capacity: 600 cubic metres of radioactive waste
  • Surface: 621 square metres
  • Type of stored waste: Intermediate Level waste​