Status: Ongoing
Period: 2017-2021
The plant activity resulted in the production of 390 220-litres tanks containing solid radioactive waste, in addition to 741 tanks resulted from the decommissioning operations of the period 2009-2018.
All tanks have been shipped to Nucleco for treatment, super-compaction and conditioning through cementation. The transfer operations were initiated in October 2017.
Since then, 334 overpacks with a capacity of 380 litres have already returned to the site to be later shipped to the National Repository.
Blank tests are currently being implemented for the treatment of the few VLL (very low-level) and LL (low-level) radioactive liquid waste located in the site (approx. 2 cubic metres) and resulted from previous activities.
Upon completion of the tests and reception of the approval from the Supervisory Authorities, the waste will be solidified through a special polymer and cement dust to be ready for shipment.
The final products will return the plant to be temporary stored in Bosco Marengo, and subsequently sent to the National Repository.
Treatment activities for radioactive solid and liquid waste will be completed by 2019