Number of employees (2023)

Amount of radioactive waste (2023)

Start of decommissioning

Brownfield date - phase 1

Value of dismantling activities - phase 1


Ripristini e smantellamenti dei sistemi dell’edificio turbina

Restoration and dismantling of the turbine building systems

The Turbine Building hosts the systems and components, that, during the operation period of the plant, were used to transform the thermal energy ...

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Smantellamento del reattore

Reactor dismantling

The core of the plant, were energy was produced from a nuclear source, is called nuclear island. It is the most difficult component to dismantle, since it contains the highest levels of residual radioactivity of the plant. ....

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Demolizione del vecchio camino e costruzione del nuovo

Demolition of the old chimney and construction of the new chimney

During the operation period, the chimney was used to channel the discharge of gaseous effluents coming from the turbine, the reactor and the Radwaste, all operating in vacuum condition and, thus, requiring a controlled exit point.

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Realizzazione del nuovo sistema di trattamento effluenti liquidi radioattivi (Radwaste)

Implementation of the new radioactive liquid effluent treatment system (Radwaste)

The drainage of the floors of classified areas, the laundries used for radiation protection equipment, and the activities provided for in the surveillance procedures generate radioactive liquid effluents ...

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Realizzazione delle vasche di raccolta di prima pioggia

Creation of tanks for rainwater collection

The collection tanks, which have been created according to the provisions of the VIA Decree of 2009, allow the collection and treatment of run-off waters of the coated ...

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Bonifica delle trincee

Remediation of trenches

At the end of the 1960s, during the first years of the plant's operation, the disposal of very low-level radioactive waste produced during the plant's operation...

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Nuovo sistema di approvvigionamento idrico

New water supply system

The new water supply system included the creation of a new shaft and new hydraulic works for underground water transportation to be used for industrial purposes within the plant – such as fire protection systems of the controlled area, plant washing opera

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Ristrutturazione dell’opera di presa

Restoration of water intake structures

The water intake structures channel the water of Garigliano River into the plant, to use it as a “vector” for the liquid radioactive waste (service water) and ...

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Progetto D2

Construction of D2 temporary storage facility

At the Garigliano power station, a temporary storage facility, called D2, is being built for the temporary storage of manufactured items containing legacy waste, as well as those deriving from other ongoing and future activities related to

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All the irradiated fuel was removed for being later reprocessed. Radioactive waste is safely managed and stored in temporary repositories on the site, while conventional materials, mostly metals and concrete, are reused or recycled.



To ensure environmental sustainability, all interventions are designed, implemented and monitored​ so as not to produce any impact, neither radiological nor conventional, on the environment.

Read more RE.MO Monitoring Network Portal




Garigliano nuclear plant of Sessa Aurunca was built in four years (1959-1963) by SENN, National Electro-nuclear Company, based on the project of the engineer Riccardo Morandi; the plant started producing electric energy in April 1964. The plant, a BWR (Boiling Water Reactor) belongs to the first generation of nuclear plants, with an electric capacity equal to 160 MWe. This reactor was the first BWR built in Europe. In 1965, the plant was acquired by Enel. The plant continued being operating until 1978, when it was halted for maintenance operations. In 1982 the plant was finally closed. Since then, the safety of structures and plants was maintained to ensure people and environment protection. The plant has produced 12.5 billion kWh of electric energy. In 1999, Sogin acquired the plant to carry out its decommissioning. In 2009, the plant has obtained the Environmental Compatibility Decree (EIA), namely the provision allowing its decommissioning according to the Decommissioning Proposal submitted by Sogin in 2001. As stated by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities, the EIA involves maintaining the turbine and reactor buildings - designed by the engineer Riccardo Morandi and designated “architectural national heritage” – after the completion of decontamination and dismantling operations. Garigliano plant was the second of the four Italian nuclear plants, after Trino, to receive the decommissioning Decree in September 2012, approved by the Ministry of Economic Development upon the advice of the Nuclear Security Authority and other competent institutions.
