Number of employees (2023)

Amount of radioactive waste (2023)

Start of decommissioning

Brownfield date - phase 1

Value of dismantling activities - phase 1


Smantellamento Scatole a Guanti (SaG)

Glovebox dismantling

The Glove Boxes (SaG) of the Plutonium plant (IPU) are confining spaces which, during the operations, where used to manipulate Plutonium for research activities aimed at the production of nuclear fuel elements.

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Dismantling of Waste A and B

The Project involves the dismantling of the underground collection system for radioactive effluents in OPEC-1, called “Waste A and B”.

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Plant adaptation, new buildings, and preliminary works for IPU and OPEC dismantling

This project entails performing preliminary arrangements for the decommissioning of IPU and OPEC plants. It especially involves the following: removing systems ..

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Realisation of the OPEC-2 interim repository

OPEC-2 interim storage facility was created for the temporary storage of previous radioactive solid waste resulting from the activities of the Plutonium plant and from subsequent decommissioning

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Treatment and conditioning of liquid radioactive waste

The research activities conducted in the IPU plant produced less than 1 cubic metre of radioactive waste containing plutonium.

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Implementation of new Alpha Compaction Station and new Casaccia Repository

The project covers the implementation of two plants, the "Alpha Compaction Station" and the "New Repository" to store conditioned waste casks.

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Removing nuclear materials and irradiated fuel is essential for the release of the sites without radiological risks. Thanks to the GTRI program (Global Threat Reduction Initiative) nuclear materials of non-Italian origin have been removed. Radioactive waste is safely managed and stored in temporary repositories on the site.



To ensure environmental sustainability, all interventions are designed, implemented and monitored so as not to produce any impact, neither radiological nor conventional, on the environment.

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History of the Plant

Within the ENEA Research Centre of Casaccia, Sogin manages the OPEC (Boilers Operations) plant and the IPU (Plutonium Plant) plant. OPEC-1 activities were first launched in 1962; it was the first Italian facility to carry out research and analysis on nuclear post-irradiated fuel elements. The structure is currently used as a temporary repository for irradiated materials resulted from different research processes and to be used in destructive tests. OPEC-2 Repository is located next to OPEC-1. The facility was built in the Seventies to expand nuclear research, control and analysis operations previously carried out in OPEC-1; unfortunately, its activity has never started. OPEC-2 was readapted to temporary repository for radioactive waste. The facility was built in the Seventies and started operating in 1968; the facility mostly carried out research activities on the technologies for the production of nuclear fuel elements. In 1990, after closing the Italian nuclear programme, research activities were halted.
