Number of employees (2023)
Amount of radioactive waste (2023)
Start of decommissioning
Brownfield date - first fase
Value of dismantling activities - phase 1
During the operation period, in case of interruptions in the power supply, the plant’s electric power system was ensured by three diesel 1,500-kWe generators. ..
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During the operation period of the plant, the primary circuit transferred the heat of the nuclear fission reaction to the boilers and generated steam. ..
During the plant operation period, the fuel pool was used to temporarily store and cool fuel elements coming from the reactor. ..
In 2002, auxiliary plants and boilers in use during the operation period of the site were dismantled; such plants were intended for the production, storage and evaporation of the carbon dioxide needed to pressurise the primary circuit. Subsequently, in 20
During the operation period, the turbine building contained three 70-Mwe turbo-alternators to generate electric energy from the steam of the boiler in the primary circuit.
The low and medium activity radioactive waste resulted from the plant’s activity and decommissioning operations are stored in a specifically created temporary repository
During the plant operation period, a specific system called “sea-water circulation system” was implemented to supply the plant with seawater for cooling operations and steam condensation, as well as for the discharge of liquid effluents.
During the plant operation period, the discharge of active effluents coming from the treatment facility for radioactive liquid effluents, was implemented through a specific system channelled into the discharge pipes of the plant’s “sea-water circulation s
The underground repository, called “KCFC pit”, hosted 78 cemented tanks, with a capacity of 220 litres, containing the “KCFC” filters for treating the fuel pool water
The project to build an Extraction and Conditioning Facility in Latina, involved the creation and implementation of a plant to extract and condition radioactive sludges – resulting from the former treatment of liquid active effluents - in cementitious mat
Great part of the radioactivity of a nuclear power plant lies in the nuclear fuel used to generate electricity.
Between 2020 and 2021, a new plant will be implemented for the treatment of radioactive liquid effluents (ITEA) resulting from the decontamination of the components produced during decommissioning and washing of personal protection equipment of the staff.
The project involves the implementation of a MAGNOX Plant, for the recovery, radiological characterisation, treatment and conditioning through cementation (grouting) of residual radioactive Magnox materials, currently stored in the “splitter pits”.
The slightly contaminated metallic materials resulting from future decommissioning operations of the liquid active effluents treatment facility
All the irradiated fuel was removed for to be later reprocessed. Radioactive waste is safely managed and stored in temporary repository on the site, while conventional materials, mostly metals and concrete, are reused or recycled.
To ensure environmental sustainability, all interventions are designed, implemented and monitored so as not to produce any impact, neither radiological nor conventional, on the environment.
Latina nuclear power plant was the first built in Italy. In 1999, Sogin acquired the ownership of the plant to carry out its decommissioning. The plant, born from an idea of Enrico Mattei (President of ENI at that time), was built by Agip Nucleare in agreement with the English company NPPC. The joint-venture saw the participation of the most important Italian and English Companies of that time. The plant, belonging to the first generation of nuclear facilities, has an English gas-graphite reactor, GCR-Magnox. After five years from the launch of its activities, in 1963, it became the largest nuclear plant of Europe, with an electric capacity of 210 MWe. In 1964, it was acquired by ENEL and then, in 1987, it was halted after the Referendum on nuclear plants. Since then, safe maintenance of structures and plants has been ensured. In its operation period, it produced electric energy for 26 billion kWh. In the early Nineties all the fuel of the site was sent abroad for reprocessing. The plant, consisting of three main complexes (reactor buildings, turbine buildings and auxiliary facilities) is now under decommissioning. The VIA Decree was obtained in 2012, and the plant is now waiting for the Decommissioning Decree on behalf of the Ministry of Economic Development.