Resin extraction and treatment
Status: ongoing
Period: 2016- 2025
The purification of radioactive liquids produced spent ion exchange resins (filters) during the operation period of the plant (reactor cooling water, fuel pool, radioactive discharges); moreover, resins also resulted from the 2004 decommissioning activities of steam generators in the primary circuit.
About 100 cubic metres of ion exchange resins are contained in 106 stainless-steel purifiers stored within interim storage facility n.1; these resins constitute the largest amount of radiological material within the plant
Wet Oxidation Plant
The treatment of radioactive resins is carried out by Wet Oxidation Technology – WOT, in a specific plant which will be installed in the former waste disposal building.
This technique, usually applied to organic waste, has a low environmental impact and it may be easily reused to treat similar waste in other plants.