
Caorso, first transport to Slovakia of radioactive resins and sludge

20 June 2018
The first shipment of 168 drums containing radioactive resins and sludge from the Caorso (Piacenza) nuclear power plant to the Bohunice treatment and conditioning plant in Slovakia left this morning.

In the next few days, a similar shipment will follow which, in this first phase, will allow the transfer of a total of 336 drums to perform the "hot" incineration and conditioning tests. Once the tests and the authorisation procedure have been completed, the remaining drums, approx. 5,600, currently stored in the temporary depots of the Piacenza site, will be sent for treatment in Slovakia. ù

The transfer will also allow the start of emptying of the temporary depots of the Caorso power plant and their upgrading in order to accommodate the radioactive waste that will be produced by the dismantling of the reactor building systems and components.

The treatment in Slovakia of the resins and sludge of the Caorso power plant will allow conditioned waste packages to be returned to the site, ready to be then transferred to the National Repository, with a volume reduced by up to 90% compared to the initial figure.

The transport of the drums, inside special containers placed on two road vehicles, took place in compliance with national and international legislation and under the control of the various Authorities responsible for ensuring utmost safety for the population and the environment. This is a first important milestone that will give a new impetus to the plant dismantling activities.