Sogin is the Italian State owned company responsible for the decommissioning of Italian nuclear plants and the management of radioactive waste.
Our Group, which also includes Nucleco, is an operator with unique know-how in Italy.
Forty participants in the 14th edition of the Summer School on Nuclear Decommissioning and Radioactive Waste Management, ...
The renewal of the EMAS registration for the Caorso plant was obtained by the Ecolabel and ...
Sogin CEO Gian Luca Artizzu and JRC Nuclear Decommissioning & Waste Management Director Laurent Jerrige signed ...
The Sogin Group has completed the dismantling of systems and components inside the reactor building at the Latina ...
We are currently dismantling four nuclear power plants, supplied with three different types of reactors, five fuel research centres and one research reactor. We take care of the safe management of radioactive waste. Our aim is to protect the environment and to ensure present and future safety for our citizens.
The National Repository is a surface facility which will host all radioactive waste produced in Italy (resulted from nuclear plant activities, decommissioning operations, nuclear medicine, industrial and research activities). The National Repository will consist of different premises: some intended for the final storage of low and intermediate-level waste, other for the temporary storage of high-level waste, to be later shipped to the deep geological disposal as final destination.
We are one of the first companies worldwide committed in the decommissioning of nuclear plants. We have more than 20 years of expertise and a growing know-how.
We operate in Europe and Asia providing our customers with any service related to nuclear decommissioning: design, implementation, management and safe maintenance and storing of radioactive waste.
Informing, sharing, participating. These are the principles we commit everyday in, to build and strengthen the relationship with our stakeholders.
Sogin,the removal of contaminated metal components placed on the deflector, the upper part of the vessel, the steel container ...
Sogin’s suppliers have strong competence and expertise and they share the Company’s principles.