The Glove Boxes (SaG) of the Plutonium plant (IPU) are confining spaces which, during the operations, where used to manipulate Plutonium for research activities aimed at the production of nuclear fuel elements.
The Project involves the dismantling of the underground collection system for radioactive effluents in OPEC-1, called “Waste A and B”.
This project entails performing preliminary arrangements for the decommissioning of IPU and OPEC plants. It especially involves the following: removing systems ..
OPEC-2 interim storage facility was created for the temporary storage of previous radioactive solid waste resulting from the activities of the Plutonium plant and from subsequent decommissioning
The research activities conducted in the IPU plant produced less than 1 cubic metre of radioactive waste containing plutonium.
The project covers the implementation of two plants, the "Alpha Compaction Station" and the "New Repository" to store conditioned waste casks.