Number of employees (2023)
Amount of radioactive waste (2023)
Start of decommissioning
Brownfield date - phase 1
Value of dismantling activities - phase 1
During the plant operation period, the wet cooling towers served for cooling the water of the output secondary circuit
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During the plant operation period, the barrier placed on the River Po was used to optimise water supply, by channelling the water needed for the operation
The turbine building, divided in three levels and covered by an external metallic structure, previously hosted the secondary plant system to transform heat into electric energy
There are two interim facilities for radioactive waste in the plant, called repository 1 and 2 and a temporary buffer, the test tank, which host all previous waste of the site within different types of tanks
During the plant operation period, the Test Tank premise hosted two spare tanks for the collection of purified water from radwaste system
The purification of radioactive liquids produced spent ion exchange resins (filters) during the operation period of the plant (reactor cooling water, fuel pool, radioactive discharges)
During the operation period, the waste disposal premise was used to host drainage systems and devices to monitor liquid effluents before they are discharged
In 2016, the premises once used for ventilation systems were emptied from accumulators and other parts of the emergency cooling system
In order to complete the plant decommissioning, radioactive waste should be immobilised in a cementitious matrix within a specific cementation station to be implemented according to the storage requirements of the National Repository
The reactor building hosts most of the site radioactivity. For this reason, dismantling operations of its components (systems, vessel and others) are more complex to carry out
The auxiliary building, close to the reactor building, hosts the systems that enabled the reactor functioning (including the purifiers’ pool and the fuel pool SFP)
All the irradiated fuel was removed for to be later reprocessed. Radioactive waste is safely managed and stored in temporary repository on the site, while conventional materials, mostly metals and concrete, are reused or recycled.
To guarantee environmental sustainability, all interventions are designed, implemented and monitored so as not to produce any impact, both radiological and conventional, on the environment.
“Enrico Fermi” nuclear power plant in Trino was built in 1961 by a group of companies under the guidance of Edison. This plant was the first nuclear facility built in Italy. Three years after its construction, in October 1964, the plant started producing electric energy. The PWR (Pressurized Water Reactor) had a capacity of electric generation equal to 270 MWe. In 1966, the plant was acquired by ENEL and, in 1987, after the Italian referendum on nuclear energy, the plant was halted. In 1990 the plant was finally deactivated. Since then, the safe maintenance of plants and structures was implemented to ensure the safety of people and environment. This plant, with the highest performance standard among the Italian plants, produced electric energy for 26 billion of kWh. In 1999, Sogin acquired the facility to carry out its decommissioning.